What is "choreography" and do we really need it?
Sometimes couples say they don't want "choreography" because they've seen another couple perform a dance where they were counting in their heads, or looking stiff and stressed out during the dance. In most cases like that, those couples are dancing steps that are too difficult for their level and they are most likely under-rehearsed as well.
The way I do choreography is completely different from that. Because you have already laid the foundation of dancing by practicing each step separately, it should be relatively simple to start stringing the steps together into a pattern that you can follow and fall back on during your first dance. If you practice the steps in the same order, you will start gaining muscle memory, which means you will not have to THINK on your wedding day, but instead just let your body be in control.
You will enjoy the dance so much more if you can get out of your heads and into your bodies. That doesn't mean you shouldn't think at all, but you shouldn't have to count or focus so intensely that you aren't present in the moment during the dance.
All that being said, you don't need to know any choreography in order to dance to your first dance song. Some couples will find the steps in this course very easy to string together on their own and will feel confident leading their partner through the steps in whichever order they want. You are totally welcome to do that if you prefer.
For couples who need a little more direction, I would definitely recommend following the choreography laid out in this section. This just takes all the guesswork out of it and makes it very easy to learn and remember. Practicing the steps in a specific order every time helps you create muscle memory and makes the transitions between steps even easier to execute.