Why you must include a twirl (or two, or three!) in your first dance
This section will take you approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
Twirling is my favorite!
Photo of Andrea and Grant by Tim Tab Studios.
And so you must include at least one twirl in your dance. It’s that simple.
I guarantee that as soon you do a twirl, your guests will start cheering you on, or will be so impressed that they will come up to you after your dance and tell you how amazing it was.
Ya’ll, the bar is low.
The turn I will teach you in this section in my favorite for several reasons:
- It is easy to learn and easy to do,
- It goes with every style of music and therefore, fits every style of dance,
- You can use this turn to easily transition between steps to build your own choreography,
- You can (and will) use this turn during the dancing portion of your reception,
- It is just so stinking pretty.
But don’t take my word for it, move on to the next video and see for yourself!