A note for same-sex couples

For same-sex couples, the majority of this course will apply to you with no modifications, but there are a few things to think about before you begin.

First, you need to decide who is going to be the “leader” and who will be the “follower.”

You can decide this however you want, but if one partner is substantially taller than the other, it might make sense for the taller partner to be the leader due to dance frame placements. Ultimately, this choice will depend on a variety of personal factors, including whomever feels the most comfortable leading.

For women, if one of you is wearing a dress and the other is wearing pants...

You may decide that the person wearing the dress should be the follower since, in this course, the follower will be the one doing the twirling. However...

All of the turns that are taught in this course can be done by either or both partners.

If you both want to do the SINGLE COUNTERCLOCKWISE TURN, try taking turns learning the leader's part and follower's part during that section. Then, if you want, you can alternate twirling each other during the dance, which will make your dance more dynamic and fun.

Please note: for the BASIC PROMENADE and the DOUBLE CLOCKWISE COUNTERCLOCKWISE TURN, the leader would need to start those steps toward their left foot. The promenade would walk under the left arm. The feet and direction for the double turn stay the same for the leader, but if you decide to twirl, you will first turn under the left arm and then under the right arm.

Don't worry if this doesn't make any sense right now. Come back to this page once you get to those sections and only if you both want to turn.

If you have any questions or need help, don't hesitate to reach out!

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