A few notes on dancing, practicing and fun

Before we get started, just a few notes...

Learning to dance should be fun!

If you find yourself getting frustrated or stressed out, please do yourself, and your partner, a favor and take a break from learning. Go get a glass of water (or wine!) and a snack and come back when you are feeling more positive. Emotions run really high before a wedding, so it’s even more important to approach this process with patience and love for your partner.

Take advantage of your access to these videos and watch them multiple times before you dive in.

You can rewind the videos or even slow them down so you can study the movements more closely. I would definitely encourage you to take your time to understand the concept of the step before attempting it. This will save you from getting frustrated!

Move through the various elements of the course, THEN tackle putting it together into choreography.

It is so tempting to jump ahead and start trying to copy what you've seen in the promo videos or the videos in the choreography section. Try to resist that temptation. I designed this course so the skills you learn in each section build on each other, which will make it a lot easier to put it all together at the end.

Remember that practice makes PERMANENT.

The more you practice, the more comfortable you will feel and the better you will look for those instagram-worthy moments. If you are down to the wire, I would recommend practicing a half-hour to an hour every day leading up to your wedding. If you have more time, try to do your dance at least once a day. You will be amazed at your progress simply by dancing together as often as possible.

Be kind to one another.

Unfortunately, your partner can't read your mind (so be sure to communicate with words!) and it is possible that one of you will pick up the steps quicker than the other. Encourage each other to keep trying. Praise each other when you get it right. Remember, you are in this together, for better or for worse, for as long as you both shall live. 😍

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